Monday, November 18, 2013

Saving Energy and Energy Conservation

Saving Energy and Energy Conservation
7144273 Some of the energy we can use is called renewable energy. These include solar, wind, geothermal and hydro. These types of energy are constantly being renewed or restored.
But many of the other forms of energy we use in our homes and cars are not being replenished. Fossil fuels took millions of years to create. They cannot be made over night.
And there are finite or limited amounts of these non-renewable energy sources. That means they cannot be renewed or replenished. Once they are gone they cannot be used again. So, we must all do our part in saving as much energy as we can.
In your home, you can save energy by turning off appliances, TVs and radios that are not being used, watched or listened to.
You can turn off lights when no one is in the room.
By putting insulation in walls and attics, we can reduce the amount of energy it takes to heat or cool our homes.
Insulating a home is like putting on a sweater or jacket when we're cold... instead of turning up the heat.
The outer layers trap the heat inside, keeping it nice and warm.
New space-age materials are being developed that insulate even better. This person's fingers are protected by Aerogel Insulation Material created by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The person cannot even feel the flame!
Learn about Hydrogen and Future Energy in the next chapter.

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