Saturday, September 5, 2015

23 Qualities That Make A Girl Stand Out By Kristen Dalton Wolfe on November 15, 2013 in Inspiration 23 Qualities That Make A Girl Stand Out Recently, my husband wrote 30 Characteristics of a Good Guy which has garnered a lot of attention. Readers have been asking if there is a list for women. After some thought, I came up with 23 qualities that make a girl stand out. There is something intriguing and compelling about a girl who lights up every room she walks in. Is it her style? No. Is it her long flowing hair? No. Is it her flawless complexion? No. She is quietly confident and has a way of listening and engaging with people that disarms those with guards up and causes them to feel important. All eyes are on her, trying to put a finger on what makes her so radiant. The fact is, radiance is magnetic and when a group of radiant young women come together, they can inspire hearts, and do remarkable and lovely things. 1. Self-Worth She knows that her value is not defined by the opinions of people, but rather by who she is in the One who made her. When she looks into the mirror, she sees a reflection of God’s own image. There is no rare or glittering jewel or metal that could compare with her worth. On this she stands with confidence, never seeking for the approval of people because she has already been approved by God. 2. Trustworthy Her friends, family and God do not lack confidence or trust in her. She always follows through on a commitments, no matter how small it may seem. 3. Goodness She is a vessel of joy and kindness, like a healing medicine to the flesh and soul. People are excited when they see her coming and hate to see her go because she always brings life through her words and actions. 4. Work Ethic She is not known for laziness; she works diligently. Even when the job seems less than ideal, she always works with a cheerful heart and a constant gratitude for the ability to work and provide. This way, her happiness is not contingent on circumstances alone. 5. Self-Discipline Consistent good habits in her life like getting enough rest, proper nutrition, exercise, spending time in prayer and journaling reflects the commitment to take care of her over-all health. This enables her to care for the people and other priorities in her life more effectively. 6. Nurturing She nurtures and cares for the needs of not only her family and friends, but those without their own families to lean on. She always seeks for ways to help someone and she does it. She treats everyone with the same love and respect, regardless of their social class. 7. Financially Savvy She spends a little, gives a little and saves a little. In other words, she knows how to be balanced and treats herself appropriately after paying for the necessities. She blesses others because she has been blessed. She sees where profitable investments can be made and she saves her hard earned money for a rainy day. She is capable to live on her own and does not seek out a man to get her out of financial trouble. 8. Vision She recognizes that her God-given gifts and abilities should not be taken for granted, but rather are quite profitable and for this she continually gives thanks. She joyfully refines her gifts and uses them strategically to inspire good things through them. 9. Service Whether it be at the soup kitchen or something as simple as walking the neighbor’s dog to help lighten their load, she knows that serving others makes the world go ’round. It blesses others, but blesses her even more so. She always sees where she can help someone and never turns a blind eye. 10. Dignity As His Princess, she is always aware that she could be impacting someone’s life. She holds herself to high standards for the way she dresses, speaks and behaves for the sake of her own honor and for the sake of those younger girls who are seeking a role-model. She does not allow temptations to have a foothold in her life. 11. Resilience Her foundation is solidly rooted in the Divine love of God, therefore she is not easily shaken. She is comforted in knowing that when she is faithful and thankful during trials and hardships, that she will safely come out of the storm even more prepared and sharpened for a spiritual promotion. 12. Fearless She welcomes the future in all of it’s unknown mystery. Even if she does feel afraid, she does what she has been called to do anyways. Being bold and courageous in the middle of fear has produced great victories throughout history. She always lets her faith be bigger than her fear. 13. Wisdom She knows that as His royal daughter, the words she speaks comes with great responsibility and impact, even to those she does not know are listening. Therefore she is mindful in habitually only speaking words of wisdom and guidance. Therefore, all who encounter her will be blessed because of her. Gossip, slander, idle talk and negativity are strangers to her lips. 14. Centered in The True Love: She fears (respects), honors and loves The Lord with all her heart, mind and soul. She knows that she can not be the radiant woman he destined her to be without centering her life around His peace. 15. Discerning In situations regarding business, friends or relationships, she is discerning in what seems to be a good thing and what is a God thing. She makes decisions based on prayer, guidance from mentors, and scripture. 16. Humble She knows that pride and ego are the root of disaster or disappointment. She always allows other people to sing her praises rather than bragging on herself. 17. Leads She counsels younger women with a good listening ear, a compassionate heart and a voice of truth. She inspires others to follow her vision through servant leadership and creativity. 18. Temperance She moderates her feelings, emotions and alcohol. She is not the girl passed out on the couch at a party, she is the girl picking her up and putting her to bed. She always thinks before she acts and looks before she leaps. 19. Stands for Justice She speaks up for those who can not speak for themselves. She defends those who are defenseless and she has a heart for restoring justice. 20. Honest She knows the liberating and healing power in revealing her struggles and shame. She is honest with those who mistreat her, letting them know that she only tolerates respect, just as she respects them. 21. Peaceful She will confront a situation head-on in privacy. She does not allow conflict to build-up, rather clears it’s toxicity quickly. 22. Mentorship She is humble hearted and wise in knowing that she will never know everything there is to know. She has a thirst for learning and growing, so she invites advice and sound counsel from solid mentors. 23. Authentic She is true to herself and always gives credit where credit is due. She cares greatly for her friends and never uses them for selfish reasons. This list is primarily based on the Proverbs 31:10-31woman, the rest are supplemental wise words from the book of Proverbs. No woman is perfect and believe me, I am not all these things all the time. Only with the supernatural strength of the Holy Spirit coupled with being intentional can I muster up the confidence to rise higher and be radiant when I don’t feel like it. What would our character and lives look like if we purposefully applied these attributes? Start with one per day, you could even write yourself reminders in your phone or post-its on your mirror to remind you of the woman you can be if you want to be. You were born to stand out. The 10 Qualities Of A Good Woman I see a lot of men trying to have a serious relationship with women but they constantly try to have a serious relationship with the wrong woman and then they question whether or not they should even try. When you’re a mature man who wants a mature woman, it helps to know what a mature woman would be like. The right woman will not start off nude This one should be pretty obvious. If you meet her through friends and you’re texting pictures to each other, the right woman for you most likely won’t send you a picture of her in her undies. You most likely won’t get a boob shot or a something you can sneak a peek at when you need a jump start. You won’t meet through a phone app and when you ask for a picture it’s a nude one right from the start. She will want more than sex so she will not start the relationship with szex because she’s smart enough to know that sex is not everything. Sex won’t happen for a while Sex seems to be the biggest relationship issue today. You know someone for a few days and then you’re having sex. Well if you want the woman you’re trying to have something long term with, you can say goodbye to sex for at least a month or two because that one and only will not let just anyone have her body. Notice I said at least. It can be longer. Does that mean you can get sex from somewhere else? No! You cheat on her one time and she’s gone. She won’t smother you One of the signs you’re with the right woman is when you notice that you don’t have to ask her for space. She’s smart enough to know that she doesn’t have to spend every waking moment hanging onto your arm and telling you to talk to her. She’ll need her space too and she doesn’t mind giving it to you. She’s a woman, not a girl Maturity plays a very important role in whether or not you find the right person. When you’re 25 and you’re picking up a woman who is 18, you have a chance of getting a little girl. Sure, she’s legal but she’s most likely still in high school, playing high school games and only liking you so much because you’re older. You want something truly serious? Get a woman because a woman doesn’t play those games. She won’t be on a cheap hookup website When you have a website where you upload a picture, small bio, and your location, then you’re shown people near you, YOU’RE ON A CHEAP HOOKUP SITE! You don’t go to those kind of locations trying to find the love of your life. If you find her, good for you but I doubt it will really happen. You won’t have everything in common Classic opposites attract saying should be inserted here. It isn’t always true. It’s nice to have some things in common but there’s nothing wrong with having your own thing that only you like and she will understand that. She will not pry while you’re doing something you like. She’ll do something she likes while you’re doing that. You won’t have to compare her You’ll be so happy with her that you won’t feel the need to compare her to your ex. She is a person all her own and she never seems to do anything that your ex did. You’ll also not feel the need to weigh the pros and cons of staying with her or being with another girl. She’s not drop dead gorgeous I’m not saying that a supermodel cannot be THE girl but the problem with a lot of men is that they want all these things but they expect her to be supermodel hot as well. It’s possible but if she’s going to be so gorgeous then you need to be hot and sexy too. Don’t like that idea do you? So you find the girl who’s a little pudgy but you have that connection with her. Go for her. Looks don’t matter when you have the one. Deep conversations You can’t have a deep conversation with an airhead. You’ll have a Jillian from Family Guy situation. That right girl will always be suitable to talk to. Even if she doesn’t understand something, she will listen and help as best she can. She won’t begin daydreaming in the middle of your conversation because she can’t understand it. You will actually want to talk to this girl about your problems or you day. She will want to listen and she will want to help you. She won’t give ultimatums This woman cares about whether or not you’re happy in this relationship. She cares about the relationship and cares about where it stands. She will not dangle the sake of your relationship over your head to get what she wants. She will not say “Marry me, or I leave,” and she will not try to force you to do anything in such a manner. Anyone who would say something like that is not serious about your relationship. A person like that only cares about themselves and what they want. 10 Qualities Of A Real Woman There are many similarities here to what you’d find in a great man. The qualities themselves aren’t gender specific, but the intricacies of them can be. A list containing great qualities a real woman can go on and on, but here are a solid ten that mostly anyone can appreciate and respect. 1) A Real Woman Is Confident She is happy with herself and her own abilities. She appreciates who she is as an individual, embraces her femininity and is proud to be a woman. 2) A Real Woman Is Honest And Upfront She recognizes the destructiveness behind undisclosed expectations. She’s straight forward and respectful about setting boundaries and the tempo of her relationships early on. 3) A Real Woman Has A Healthy Handle On Her Emotions She knows it’s OK to feel down, bummed out, or really shitty that one week out of the month, but more importantly she knows how to weather the storm correctly. If there are any shortfalls on the emotional front she recognizes them and adjusts accordingly. 4) A Real Woman Is Strong And Independent She is determined, driven and able to accomplish great feats. Her ability to be so strong is derived from her own knowledge, intuition and ambition. 5) A Real Woman Has Patience For herself and those around her she knows how to play it cool. In the face of adversity she is able to tap the proper resources to conquer any problem, instead of just giving up. 6) A Real Woman Shares The Right Amount Of Drama She has the right amount of drama to share with her man. Positive and negative. A great man will be always be there for her (to listen and understand), but anything above and beyond a certain threshold she know’s to dish with her girlfriend’s and not with him. 7) A Real Woman Has A Defined Purpose Whether personally or professionally, she has great goals and desires. She knows that with the right amount of inspiration and motivation anything is possible and is willing to do what it takes to make her dreams a reality. 8) A Real Woman Is Secure She’s comfortable in her own skin. Jealousy, doubt and fear go out the window because she is confident in herself and her choice in a partner – as well as her partners choice in her. 9) A Real Woman Is There She represents a strong link in the chain that holds those close to her together. She embraces the many roles she plays and is actively present as a mother, wife, girlfriend and friend. When she’s needed the most, she is there. 10) A Real Woman Values A Real Man She appreciates and respects the value and worth of the men in her life. She knows that part of being a great woman is recognizing and embracing the qualities of a great man. She does not need a man in her life to be happy, but if she has one she stands by him. She believes in his purpose and who he is – which makes going in the same direction with him that much easier. A great routine to get into is an honest evaluation what you want out of partner and if you are also a good match with what you are looking for. This list can be used as a great starting point but only you are able to determine the particulars and unique elements that work for you. There are many more than just 10 qualities to a real woman and it’s up to you to determine which are most important. Also, remember to take a hard look at what you want from yourself. It is very indicative of what you will move on to acquire in your life. Z 0Ultimate List originally by Samantha Dillinger 84,134 votes 5,170 voters 351,981 views 70 items f t p @ The Best Qualities in a Woman List Criteria: Vote on the most desirable qualities that women can have. List of the most desirable qualities in a woman, what men really want and how to become popular as a female. This list will help women in understanding men because the items on this list have been voted on and ranked by the public. The best qualities in a woman are important to consider when choosing or seeking a mate and even when beginning a friendship. The best qualities in women are similar to the best qualities in a person, but tweaked for qualities a woman should have. When it comes to meeting new people, it's important to consider how their qualities and personal traits align with your own; there's no sense in forging a relationship with someone who doesn't share your values and qualities. This list of the top qualities in a woman is meant to sort out the good qualities a woman should have and list them in order of the most important qualities for women to have. Some people would say that the best quality a woman can have is her patience or her nurturing skills. Others would argue that a woman's best quality is her independence or free spirit. When considering the qualities to look for in a mate, many different traits will come into play, but the qualities in a woman nearer to the top of this list of the top qualities in a woman are some of the basic qualities to look for in a girlfriend or mate. What is the best quality a woman can have? What are the most important personality traits in women? What are the top qualities a good woman has? Defining the top qualities for women is highly subjective and will change from person to person, but this list of the greatest qualities for women to have seeks to take opinions from a variety of users and compile them into one list highlighting the best qualities in women. If you see an essential quality for a woman to have isn't listed, feel free to add it to the list and make sure to vote for the essential qualities for a woman to have. • 44 ReRanks • o Women o Men o Age o Region • See list ranked by L The List Loving Supportive Loyal Attractive Smart Funny Patient Friendly Kind-Hearted Good in Bed Well Groomed Nurturing Confident In Love With Me Moral Calm

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